About Hope at the Hill
Our Leadership
Being a Presbyterian Church, the spiritual oversight of the congregation is shared by a team of elders. Currently the eldership team is: Rev Ken Gray (minister); Dean Beringer (session clerk); Ian Schoonwater; and Ross McKenzie. It is their role to serve and build up the members of the congregation, and to equip all members for ministry and service through ‘inspirational’ and ‘empowering’ leadership.
Our Statement of Faith
We believe:
- That there is only one God, and that he has revealed himself to mankind through the things that he has made, his written word (the Bible), and through his only son – Jesus.
- That God made mankind to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever; but that mankind has rebelled against God and has therefore become alienated from Him.
- That God has done something to resolve this problem and reconcile people to Himself.
- That God’s solution to man’s problem is His Son Jesus, who (on our behalf) lived the perfect life of obedience that we could not live; and who (on our behalf) suffered the terrible penalty that we deserved – on the cross.
- That God now ‘freely’ offers forgiveness to those who will ‘freely’ accept it … as a gift!
- That this gift is given to those who will ‘repent’ (ie. turn to God) … and ‘believe’ (ie. trust in what Jesus has done for them, and acknowledge him as Lord of their life).
- That Jesus has been raised from the dead – and is alive!
- That he has been rewarded by God with power and authority over everyone, and everything!
- And that, in accordance with the Bible, Jesus will return. And at that time, God’s great plan for his creation will be fulfilled:
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away … And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling place of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God … [and] he who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” [Revelation 21:1-5]
A more detailed expression of what we believe can be found in the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Our Mission Statement
Growing followers of Jesus
Our Core Values
We value Christ-centred lives:
- Trusting that Jesus’ death and resurrection alone make us completely right with God
- Speaking to Him in prayer
- Listening to Him from the Bible
- Growing more like Christ
We value Christ-centred community:
- Meeting together to study God’s word, pray and encourage one another
- Being involved in one another’s lives
- Caring for others practically and spiritually
- Using our gifts to serve others
We value Christ-centred mission:
- Declaring the Gospel of Jesus to everyone
- Living out Christ’s love in our communities
- Sending and supporting Gospel workers here and overseas
Our Vision
We believe God is calling us, in the next three to five years, to become:
A Church where …
- God is glorified and enjoyed
- Christians can grow together in understanding and applying God’s word
- People pray together regularly
Outward-looking and connected by …
- Building relationships with the wider community
- Being an engaging community where people can see Jesus and hear the Gospel
A nurturing environment …
- That equips our members for life, ministry and mission
- That shows children and young people God’s place in their lives
- That builds up everyone in their particular situation
Our partnerships
We believe that Jesus commissions and equips his people to be his witnesses wherever they are. Just we have experienced God’s grace we’re to tell others about it. One way that we can do this is by forming partnerships with those who are proclaiming God’s grace and planting churches overseas.
We, as a community of God’s people, therefore prayerfully and financially support a number of our Christian brothers and sisters who are serving our Lord outside of Australia.
Our Giving
We believe that each member of the congregation, who attends regularly, should contribute to the support of our congregation and its ministry. We also believe that giving should be in accordance with God’s word, which states:
‘Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’ [2 Corinthians 9:6-7]
We encourage regular giving, as this assists the church to budget for its expenses; however, we do not conduct a collection during services. Those who wish to contribute to the ministry of the church can place an envelope in a letter box at the rear of the hall; or giving can alternatively be done via direct deposit.
Our banking details are:
- Commonwealth Bank
- Account Name:
- Hope at the Hill, Rooty Hill Presbyterian Church
- BSB:
- 062 293
- Account Number:
- 10356980